Where the Wild Things Are

I’m a former wild thing, now a cultivated grown-ass adult human. I’ve relocated from the prairie to a major metropolis and it seems like I haven’t put my bare feet on the earth in forever. I breath in car fumes more than I do the fresh air and I keep longing for the scent of ponderosa pines. Alas I have found my people here and will probably stay, but deep down I still crave to hop on horse-back and go galloping off to the sunset.

  • Great Faces, Great Places

    Washington in all his glory. I’ve actually stood atop Mt. Rushmore in high school. I’ll have to go home soon, and I’m pretty nervous about it. I haven’t been back in a number of years, in fact I’ve made it a point to not go back. Why? It’s complicated. I really never felt like I…

  • Welcome to the chickens

    So maybe I’m not technically a vet’s kid, but I’m a vet’s grandkid. My grandpa was a veterinarian ever since he graduated from Iowa State University way back in the 1950s. He started out his practice as a large animal veterinarian and found his first ever job working in the Dakotas vaccinating heads of cattle…

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