This protocol provides simple steps to aid in healing your adored beast.
Protocol consists of:
• Anti-Vaccinosis (Initial 2 Day Regime) 15 ml liquid
• Liver Tonic (Support/Detoxifier) 60 ml liquid
• Healthy Gut (Digestive Enzyme/Pre &Probiotic) 83 g powder
• Gut Soothe (Anti-inflammatory) 153 g powder
• Gut Seal (Strengthener) 30 ml liquid
Note: if your dog has a sensitive stomach it is recommended that Healthy Gut is given at 1/2 the recommended dose over the course of 1-2 weeks.
Healthy Gut: ox bile substance, papain, betaine hcl, bromelain, pancreatin, larch arabinogalactan, multi-strain probiotic blend.
Anti-Vaccinosis: homeopathic thuja, silicea.
Gut Soothe: aloe vera, marshmallow root, l-glutamine, n-acetyl glucosamine, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, larch arabinogalactan, slippery elm bark, multi-strain probiotic blend.
Liver Tonic: mother tincture of chelidonium, traxacum officinate, berberis, cardus marianus, distilled water, alcohol.
Gut Seal: homeopathic arnica, calendula, collagen, thiosinaminum.
After completing the 2-day pre-step (Anti-Vaccinosis), begin steps 1-2-3-4 at the same time. The products in steps 1-2-3-4 (Liver Tonic, Healthy Gut, Gut Soothe & Gut Seal) can be given in food together at the same time, as directed.